It’s Never the Right Time

My last few posts have been about stressful conversations with a significant other, where ‘suck it up and stay put,’ can seem like the only option.

How to escape them?

Can you avoid them?

Is it ever the right time to address the pattern?

Today, I go into more detail on timing, because the previous post didn’t quite hit the mark in that regard. So requisite reading for this post to make sense is my previous post: How to Evade Difficult Conversations.

“It’s Never Too Late” is a Platitude

I realize that emailing or handing over the “Get out of Jail, Free” card might feel futile, hopeless, or like “too little, too late…” so let’s talk about timing.

Pretty bad timing?

Sending your girlfriend a “Get out of Jail, Free” card on the 3rd day of a drinking binge
without having let her know where you were or whether you were being faithful.

Too early?

Same moment — or same day — as the hiccup,
and you’re sending her your “Get out of Jail, Free” card
before you’ve had a good-to-okay day together or a night to sleep on it.

…Odd how timing works.

Good timing?

How about any halfway decent, okay day that hasn’t gone sideways yet?

Ironically, this is EXACTLY
when you’re least likely to think of it,
least likely to want to think of it,
and least likely to feel the urge to do anything about it, (amiright?!?!)

Be Truthful — When Safe to Do So

Remember how, when her voice goes shrill, or her eyes get narrow, or her mouth goes pouty, you forget how to ‘just act natural?’ The verb there is ‘act.’ And good acting might just be part of making things worse.

Situations in which you feel stupid/stupified are possibly actually situations in which your IQ really and truly *is* negatively impacted by suppressed distress. This might just be the reason a whole lot of awesome guys like you are single. I’m out to change that.

Regardless of whether the stress is the main problem or a side-effect, it’s hard to recognize when one’s intellect and problem-solving abilities have unexpectedly gone ‘offline.’

Next time this happens, will you wonder “what’s wrong with me?!” Or will you simply wish you had prepared for this moment in advance?

Ctrl+Z — Can You UNDO Awkwardness?

You’re probably surprised to hear me say that sending your partner a “Get out of Jail, Free” card on an okay day, like today, can actually UNDO a big chunk of the exact awkwardness you might fear it will CAUSE.

I’ll say that again: handing her this card can UNDO the awkwardness you fear it will cause. What if certain ancient fears are old, and suppressed, and come to the fore at exactly the time they’re about to be transcended?

Handing her the love-note that I’m referring to as a card can heal fossilized fears in both of you, because it can heal

  • her perception of the past
  • her open-mindedness in the future
  • And how she feels toward you.

Never the Right Time

If you pretend you’ve got a time machine, and you live to see your next future agrument… wouldn’t you press “Ctrl+Z,” go back in time, find this moment again, and email her this card today, instead of delaying?

“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago.
The second best time is now.”

Chinese proverb

If that felt pushy, there might be EVEN MORE going on. Never mind. I just hope you get whatever kind of support you need so you can relax around the person you love most, knowing she understands you’re always doing your best. We all are. And sometimes we need to stop pushing ourselves, and get empathy… and that’s really what this is about.

Here’s That “Get Out of Jail, Free” Card/love note. Again.

Pivotal tip:

Every time you go on another walk, or ‘go away’ in any way, shape, or form, give her your new ETA as a way to prevent her from feeling ‘abandoned’ or rejected.

Last tip:

Maybe don’t call it a “Get Out of Jail, Free” card to her.

I just call it that because that’s what it is when I give it to you. When you give it to her, it may feel more like a love letter.

Let it be what it is to each of you.

My next posts support
  • why walking away works,
  • returning, and
  • possible next steps.

I’m truly curious:

Did you print it? Email it?
Are you waiting for the next post, first?

Please DM me on social media, or email me, Bree [at] “website!”

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