Rational Hearts

For men of science who want better chemistry.

It's rational to expect that "conversation" should
get easier with experience.

So... why hasn't it?

The world beckons to us all...
but for you...
it's like...

too many variables

You’re busy discerning signal from noise.
Your own thoughts and reactions get in the way of responding in real time.

What does
“just be yourself”
even mean?!

Even if you have

  • a degree in systems thinking…
  • a meditation practice…
  • a lot of experience troubleshooting complex problems under pressure…

being around people affects you neurologically.

You're misunderstood

…and talking about it feels pointless.

Few friends follow your dark, dry, quick wit.

They just say absurd, unhelpful stuff like

  • “you think too much”
  • “don’t worry about it”
  • “stop being so hard on yourself.”

Not constructive! Not helpful! Not doable!

Common advice is no good for you.

You’re uncommon.

Is this you?

You avoid
party banter.

You base your ideas
on observation.

You figure things out
on your own.

You think
about ethics.

You don't "wear
rose-colored glasses."

Your uniqueness
also isolates you.

The world needs guys like you!

And it’s kind of a bummer this isn’t how everybody works….

Having to feign 'normalcy'
makes you crash and burn.

Hi. I'm Bree.

Trained in the hard sciences in Europe, living in the US, I understand how weird it is to be smart at some things… and clueless at others.

My own social awkwardness was compounded by cultural, professional, and neurodivergent factors. (Though, being female, I was permitted emotional expression, which I consider a privilege.)

With support and on my own, I have been methodically applying the Scientific Method to the soft sciences on a scale where discoveries are relevant, credible, valuable, and rewarding: observing and documenting data points and dimensions of awkwardness with scientific precision. The results are astounding: the process itself actually transforms discomfort into ease… patience… and confidence.

I received 125 sessions of this work in 2006, blossomed beyond recognition, and have lived with the benefits ever since. Only after certification in parallel ‘soft science’ modalities validated using fMRIs and proper double-blind studies, have I felt it was ethically responsible to “hang out my shingle.” — In fact, now that the process has been validated, it’s unethical not to!

Other ‘coaches’ think you need to be coached. Not me. 

If you long for a process by which you can make logical sense of irrational feelings, predict them, and make relaing to self and others LOADS easier, you’re in the right place!

Transforming smarts into wisdom

Once you gather and comb through your own descriptions of awkwardness’ physiological effects
with an eye for certain distinct data-points,
baffled frustration actually transforms itself into true understanding.

Your nervous system stops inhibiting,
and starts contributing
to integrity, presence, and passion.

I welcome disbelief with open arms.
I’d love to hear you out over virtual coffee.

Wanna see my manifesto on
how smarts can isolate you
…and what you can do?

HINT: it’s neither “give up” nor “suck it up.”

It should arrive immmediately.
I’m curious what you think!

You've got your own wisdom.
It just takes sorting out.

No fee.
No upsale.
No strings attached.

No fee/strings, either.

Just a relaxed
structure for sussing out whether or not
you’d like to hire me someday.

‘Coffee’ sounds vague, I know.
How about I send you some completely optional questions in advance?

Or we could do email, instead.

I'd love to read your responses
to stuff like: