Rational Hearts

Rational Hearts

for guys who'd rather talk tech than emotion,
but miss their girlfriend's effervescent happiness.
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It’s Never the Right Time

My last few posts have been about stressful conversations with a significant other, where ‘suck it up and stay put,’ can seem like the only option. How to escape them? Can you avoid them? Is it ever the right time to address the pattern? Today, I go into more detail on timing, because the previous post didn’t quite hit the mark in that regard. So requisite reading for this post

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An old rendition of the "Get Out of Jail Free" card from Monopoly.

How to Evade Difficult Conversations   

In a previous post, I shared “Deer-in-the-Headlights – A Poem About Overwhelm” and promised you, among other things, a way to escape futile conversations with a “Get out of Jail, Free” card. True to my word, at the bottom of today’s post, you’ll find an instantaneously downloadable “Get out of Jail, Free” card you can quote or print out to help you politely evade immobilizing exchanges. I think your past,

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After You “Lose Your Cool”

Sure, we all lose our cool at times, but don’t you just hate looking back on a situation and wondering: “WHAT HAPPENED?! I wasn’t gonna DO that anymore! I did that #$%* THING AGAIN!! I’m hopeless!” Maybe you said the thing that you know sets your partner off. Part of you flew off the handle in a rage. Part of you froze into place petrifiedly watching it all unfold like

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