Rational Hearts

You don’t want therapy.
You want what you signed up for
when your girlfriend moved in:
more pleasure
(and less nagging.)
She wants couples counseling…
but you’re not excited to pay some Ph.D. to get you to
  • apologize for every little thing,
  • reassure your girlfriend you love her, and
  • discuss emotions that feel unreal to you

No thanks!

TALKING ABOUT TALKING feels circuitous. Like a trap.

But she keeps on saying “we need to talk.”

This won’t last.

If you don’t do something,
she’ll call you “aloof,” or worse:
“a loner”

…and that’s a self-fulfilling prophecy…

Conversation shouldn't be stressful

You're a Lover,
Not a Fighter

Couples therapy in the middle of the “blame-game”
can just feel like you’re raising the stakes
or performing in front of a live audience.

It can be hard to participate in good faith.

Or maybe you’ve found a great couples therapist
whom you trust completely,
and they’ve recommended you each also get a one-on-one support-person.

Seriously ask them:
does it have to be a therapist?

You’d rather describe an object’s relative speed
and position in space and time
than talk about emotions, right?

So you’ve probably wished for a non-therapy
designed by and for someone
as logical as you,
leveraging technical skills you already have!


If you’ve assumed that doesn’t exist…
this is your lucky day.

Hi, I’m Bree.

In my opinion, society’s expectations on boys are downright oppressive. And confusing. You “hurry up and grow up” only to wonder whether Emotional Intelligence 101 was a prerequisite they taught on a week you were out sick?!

But seriously: this stuff can’t be taught. You don’t need tips, tricks, training, or instructions. You need fuller access to your innate intelligence.

I’ve helped certain clients stop getting called ‘sexist’ for remaining logical when others are upset… I’ve helped other clients stop caring for the feelings of those around them at the expense of their own.

To get along in society, they’d had to override the basic human instinct to cry… That basically put certain parts of the brain ‘offline.’ Parts that house your innate ability to

  • accurately predict emotional responses in real time,
  • make sense of emotional stimuli and responses in real time,
  • communicate sincerely, kindly, and effectively.

I offer a quick, logical process to bring those parts of the brain ‘back online’ WITHOUT being incapacitated by tears/rage/emotion. Once hidden emotions lose their charge, they actually become helpful instead of a nuisance.

Your innate intelligence takes it from there. No personality tests, no anger management classes, no heart- or brain-transplant necessary.

Get in touch to see if it’s right for you.

It’s highly effective.

My own, my colleagues’, and my clients’ sudden return to fuller aliveness is both reproducible and optional.

Once these parts of the brain come back online, you become at choice as to when they’re ‘on/off,’ so you can choose to

  • be more yourself, more capable, and more free than ever,
  • go with your old way of being in any given situation, for however long you deem best.

Being around people could suddenly become
far more interesting and rewarding…

That’d make life a lot less baffling, tedious, and scary…

It’d make all your goals easier to reach…

You could stop stressing about how exactly to
“just be yourself.”

This is not
‘behavioral change.’

I’m no therapist.
Not a social worker, either.

Nor am I a trainer:
no rehearsing in front of the mirror.
No ‘tips and tricks.’

boy who's clearly comfortable cuddling his huge dog in the sunshine

This is about using your strengths:

We start with a chronological description of your first-hand experience of what happens:

“If I socialize, it takes me DAYS to recover.”
“When I get a woman’s number, I can’t bring myself to call it.”
“My girlfriend’s mood suddenly changes. It’s baffling.”
“As soon as I get home, she’s talking — I’ve barely arrived!”

Then I ask for whetever specific, technical details you can remember
from your physiologocal experience.

I ask in manipulation-free, predictable ways.
You can focus on sensing your way through the same questions every time.

(You know it’s working because, at first,
the bad feeling actually starts to happen to you again, just a little bit.)
Except this time…

For the first time,
you're not helpless.

A mystery you couldn’t solve on your own, unravels:
the sensory feeling/mood-bomb proves to have been permanent,
dormant, hidden, always there, lying in wait…

Always looking for its chance to detonate…

But THIS TIME, you have the exact kind of
neutral, scientific, exploratory attitude
and bomb-dismantling support you’ve needed,
(instead of the usual, 100% understandable frustration.)

Now it can stop endangering your peace of mind!

All you have to do
is answer the same questions about your physiological experience
in a different order…
this time answering what you’d RATHER experience,
carefully toggling ONLY ONE data-point — one dimension at a time.


If you take the whole next day after our daylong sessions,
and you really relax and take care of yourself for a day
and just do nothing much, AND
spend 5 painless minutes pouring over our notes each day after that for 9 weeks,
you’ll notice everywhere: 

You’ve stopped fighting yourself.

With this inner cease-fire,
you taste what it’s like
to be your best, deepest self.

Best of all,
— and this is REALLY paradoxical —
the real-life situations that used to “set you off”
can actually
grant you access to a calm, collected mindset.

You recognize who you’ve always been.

Relationships are
less like
minefields when there’s
no more sudden explosions.

Want help dismantling a mood bomb?
$ 780 Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back.

  • Within just 48 hours:
  • Map your pain.
  • Melt it away.
  • Choose your own metrics. Start noticing change.

  • To help you dismantle a mood-bomb, you receive:
  • Immediate access to a system for direct-messaging me.
  • Prepwork to reassure you that this won't wreck your life's delicate balance.
  • Two free meetings to address your qualms and questions.
  • My 100% satisfaction guarantee on a specific result we define together before we even begin.

  • All for free. Once you pay, you also get:
  • A care package via snail mail.
  • A thumbdrive to record our Zoom meetings on.
  • Two days of my undivided attention.
  • Nine weeks of after-care calls on a bespoke cadence.
  • An app for integrating your Big Discoveries in just 5 minutes/day.
  • Measurable improvement in your quality of life.

Will be
$990 in 2025


Hesitation is Healthy

If you’re on the fence
for any of the following reasons,

That’s right.

I’m warning you now:

if any of the following are an issue,
it isn’t gonna work out.

  1. My approach sadly doesn’t work for people who are using anti-psychotic medication, or whose waking brains have confused reality and fiction in the absense of psychedelics or sleep deprivation.

  2. If your main relationship is unlikely to last 30 days, now is not the time.

  3. If you start (or have started) dating someone within 30 days of the daylong sessions, that’ll nix your progress.

  4. If you feel compelled to share information with me but are unwilling to do so over Zoom, Chrome, or in response to automated text reminders, you’ll get all stressed out:
    those are my routine means of communication.

    (Remember, you can mute yourself:
    I don’t need to know any secrets or your past.)

  5. If you’re not comupter-savvy enough to, for example, navigate an in-browser app, this is not gonna work. (It’s ready for you to explore today, if you’re curious.)

I don’t manipulate: I’m not going to convince you or change your comfort-level with these pre-requisites.

They’re pre-requisites. And this is your heads-up.

On Crushes

A crush can be a helpful fantasy — a phase in finding love for yourself.

Just don’t mistake the real me for being open to come-ons, gifts, or activities beyond our written agreement: I’m not.

If you want to address that tendency first, I know some amazing people with great success in that realm. I’d be happy to not just refer you (temporarily or otherwise) but actually help you get started with them.

That’s my no-wrong-door policy.

I don't talk to the women in your life.

I only care about your experience.



Nowadays, psychologists, psychiatrists
and social workers
often have waitlists.

If you're willing and able to get support elsewhere,
it's arguably a moral issue whether one should take up a slot with these particular professionals,
rather than leaving it available to someone else.

Especially if you're ready to pay out-of-pocket rather than submit to most insurances' prerequisite of a diagnosis,
or to avoid being limited to scheduling 50-minute sessions during typical office hours.

(But by all means, I recommend therapy
if you have trauma to heal!)


For self-diagnosed 'high-functioning,' highly technical guys, I have seen

results equivalent to
5 MONTHS of weekly sessions of any kind


$ Dismantle a
mood bomb

  • I guarantee specific results
    when most facilitators can't guarantee anything at all...

  • 4.5 months faster
    No weekly performance anxiety.
    No keeping your hopes up/down.
    Just tangible, nearly-instantaneous relief.

  • At a fraction of the cost.
    For comparable results, you pay other facilitators at least $95 for less than an hour. 4.3 sessions a month x 5 months = over $2,000. But with me, the whole trajectory is just $780, in three easy installments.

Not everyone is game for a 2-day intensive.

I’m not out to ‘sell’ you a cookie-cutter package. (That would just backfire.)

The above does describe my best offer, but if your budget allows, those same results can be accomplished at a slower pace.

It’s hard to believe relief is possible and not have it YESTERDAY — I get it.

Right here, where you’re at right now…

Not daring to make a move…
wishing someome could just read your mind…

THAT’s the hardest place to be.

Living with live mood-bombs, it’s hard to schedule ANY activity without ‘psyching yourself out.’

You’re not even sure what state of mind you’ll be in when you wake up, right? Unpredictable ups and downs can significantly cramp your style (or completely randomize it.)

Making appointments is hard to imagine… and making promises you can’t keep threatens your integrity.


So don’t.
Don’t promise anything.

Say it with me now:
there’s NO need to be

  • ‘ready,’
  • hopeful, or
  • in a good mood

to meet me.

No need whatsoever.
I swear.

In fact, almost everyone who books these is privately furious (and secretly exhausted) from using all the ‘pep’ they can muster just to function.

Come, come however you are.

My gift is in seeing your sheer brilliance (even when you yourself might feel lost or ‘stupid,’) and in simultaneously totally accepting your state of mind. This frees you from having to be alone just to not have to hide you are alone.

Why bother?

To get specific about what I can guarantee you, personally, I’d have to hear you out on what exact results you’re looking for
and get a sense of where you, specifically, are at right now.

I don’t charge a dime for this part of the process.

And I don’t call it an “assessment” or an “introduction” or some other fancy name.

I call it what it is. It’s a

Zero  Sales Pressure?  –Really?


I listen.
I check that I’m following you exactly.
We get clear together.

About 20 minutes in, I invite 1 minute of rest. You can use that to notice whether you actually want to keep talking… but not about the past/present:
about possible futures.

No Fixing/Changing/Advising/Jeering/Cheering.

I’m actually curious, in a welcoming way, what it’s like to be you when a mood-bomb goes off.

(Yours, or someone else’s.)

No instant sales.

All of my clients sleep on their decision, first.

If you do tack on 8-9 more minutes (to total 30,) we can glance at a possible future:

  • what realistic results would look like,
  • what kind of time-line those are feasible on,
  • what exact result I can actually guarantee you in writing on the very short term.

We usually schedule a second half-hour conversation to make sure you want what I’m offering. Often, it doubles as Orientation:

  • we discuss and finalize agreements,
  • put your relief on the calendar for real,
  • and even get started, if there’s time.

Talking to me is very safe for your wallet, and for you. Information-gathering doesn’t obligate you to follow through on anything!

I’m happy to refer you to free and/or relevant resources.

You don’t have to ‘stay stuck’ or ‘suck it up.’

This is your invitation to life...

If a sales call seems premature,
you can shoot me a private message
through this self-explanatory,
GDPR- and HIPAA-compliant app:

Registering grants you instant
access to a handful of assignments
to thoroughly prepare you for real traction
— with me or anyone else.

No download necessary.

Don’t believe me?
That’s healthy skepticism!

How ’bout you check out my take on
why smarts can be so isolating?

Simple email signup:



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